
The Plan

The year 2020 started out with a bang so hard that I was surprised by the end of January, I wondered if a year had just passed by. 

Who would've known that I'll be working from home and be so insistent on working from home if I can help it than being in the office. To be honest, I do find myself more productive and fulfilled when I work from home despite having to take care of two precocious kids; my nephew and niece. 

Did they drive me crazy? Yes. 

Is my job done by the end of the day? Never.

But did you manage to finish whatever you need to do? Yes. 

The thing is, your tasks at work will never ever finish or be done with. There's always something new cropping up if your own paranoid mind isn't already brewing a set of its own trouble. I am constantly digging my own grave by making suggestions. But I can't stand the constant thought of having them just in my head and not blurt them out. 

What kind of trouble am I up to these days?

Nothing much. But I do have a big thing to add to my list of things to do:
Retire when I reach 40
It is a little weird when I think about it. What does it actually mean to retire at 40? Why do I want to be rid of working by 40 when 40 is actually an age people started to actually be in their strongest position at any given organization they are apart of? 

The thing is, I want to be free as soon as I can. 

I want to be self-sustained. A person of my own. That number 40 is actually my dateline to actually be so intellectually fulfilled that I can sustain my own skills enough to be doing alot more than I am doing right now. I want to be to create more things that could benefit others instead of myself. I want to be able to earn enough money to pay the bills, buy the things I like and maintain a peace of mind long enough for me to keep on learning new things. 

Do I want a house of my own? Not really. 

Do I want my own car? I have one I'm glad to be done with mortgage soon. 

Aren't you a bum right now?

Yes. I believe I am. I like this peaceful life I have, working at my own time and pursuing to learn what I've never had the chance of learning before.  

I may change my mind along the years coming to 40, but for now...this is the speed I like going. 

Not too fast and not too slow. 

I just want a peace of mind...